Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Maybe afloat on Saturday ?

I was looking at Divas log the last time we went afloat was the 7Th of November last year.
I have never known a winter to be so windy.But we may get a trip this Saturday,Lets hope so.

I'm looking forward to this year its going to be an exciting time now that Diva is OK.
I'm going to concentrate more on soft plastics mostly Mojos and Red Giles for Pollock.Cod and Bass.Then not forgetting Tope, Conger,Spur Dogs and Porbeagle.

I now have a calendar on my Charter Rates page it will make it so much easier for individuals to see the availability when looking for a trip.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I'm glad to see the back of 2011 with Cummins and Macdonald Power taking thirteen month to replace Divas broken crankshaft add to that three month of none stop gales the amount of times i went fishing in 2011 you can count on one hand.

A bit of good news is that the ferries have now moved from Stranraer to Cairnryan this means that we can now fish in the deep Channel no longer used by the ferries.It will be like a motor way for the Tope chasing the Mackerel.

Lets all have a good 2012 .All the best for the new year.