Friday, December 10, 2010

Good News

Cummins have givan in after five months of me at them every day.
The parts are on order and the repair will soon be under way.
That means with a bit of luck we will be back fishing in the new year .

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Big Bang

Bad news disaster has struck Divas engine.Whilst cruising up Loch Ryan there was a big bang and to my horror the front crankshaft pully was laying in the bilge.
The crankshaft had snapped just behind the front pully.

This had to happen at the busiest time of the year.We will keep you posted when the repair is underway.

Just to make me feel even worst the fishing has been brilliant with very large Tope,Bull Huss and Pollock to name a few.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Good Weather

Sorry about not keeping the blog up to date .Iv been at sea every day for the last six or more weeks.
I must be the only charter skipper praying for bad weather so i can have a few days off.

I will update as soon as the weather changes.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


April has been a good month with not much wind able to get afloat most days.

Large shoals of Herring are in abundance as well as Codling feeding on the Herring we had same good catches of Codling to 5lb.

Loch Ryan
Dogs, Whiting and Coalfish at Finnarts Bay

Milleur Point
We had two Mackeral on Friday 30th-well its a start.

Inshore wrecks
Fishing well mostly Pollock Coalfish and Codling.

Offshore wrecks
Are fishing a bit slow at the moment.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Bad news Diva spent the whole of March tied to her moorings due to bad weather and that ment no fishing.
April has started well but i will tell about that next month.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Although its been the worst winter for 30 years February has been good with not to much wind but cold.
Fishing has been good inshore wrecks have been producing Coalfish Pollock, Codling and very large Whiting.
Some offshore wrecks are full of fish.This time we played the waiting game it was over 4 hours before the fish came on the feed and when they did the fishing was awesome.
The best Cod went 11lb 3oz best Pollock 8lb 5oz and best Coalfish 6lb 9oz.
The only regret is that my camera a Sony Cyber-Shot will not work in cold weather yet it works fine indoors?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


January had its highs and lows inshore marks are fishing well specially between Oust Rocks and the Craig Laggan Beacon with a good showing of Dabs Whiting Codling Pollock and Coalfish.

Inshore wrecks have been fishing well with mostly Pollock Coalfish and Codling.

Offshore wrecks are full of fish but there not playing the game.With hindsight it may have been better to stay on one wreck and wait until the fish come on the feed rather than keep moving from wreck to wreck in hope to find one were the fish are feeding.

TOP TIP ground bait/swimfeeder
I have just started using my home made swimfeeder,Its a length of drain pipe about 18 inches long with one end blocked off and holes drilled in the side attached to a length of chain and then to 6mm rope.
At the moment its loaded with a sponge soaked in Sardine oil and refreshed about every half hour.
It works very well much the same as in course fishing fish come into the swim looking for food if you can keep them there you have cracked it.
Iv only used it twice but on the last trip 3 of us had over sixty fish then ran out of bait.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


December has been a good month with not much wind.
The winter fish have arrived with Codling and Whiting in abundance also large shoals of coalfish.
Inshore wrecks are producing mostly Pollock, codling, coalfish, Whiting and Spur dogs.
Very large shoals of very small Whiting in Loch Ryan.
January and February will see the Pollack move out into deeper water.